How to Use Argan Oil on Your Skin and Hair

ArganOilTips Argan Oil Tips (63)

Argan oil is a popular skin and hair care product that is attracting a lot of attention these days. This oil is made from the pressed kernels of the fruit of the Moroccan argan tree. It can be used for cooking (if the kernels are roasted before they are pressed), or as a moisturizer and hair nourishing product. Let us discover how to use argan oil for your skin and hair to get the most benefits from this amazing oil.


woman in a shower

The best kind of argan oil to use on your hair is pure, cold-pressed oil. To use argan oil on your hair, wash your hair first and then dry it with a towel. When your hair is almost dry, apply a small amount of oil to it and brush it through the hair from the roods to the tips. Leave the oil in until your hair has dried.

Pure argan oil is a completely natural product and it does not contain any preservatives. It is very close to the kind of oil that your scalp naturally secretes, and this means that it is absorbed by your hair quite quickly.

After you have a better idea on how to use argan oil on your hair, you must take into account that the first time you put argan oil in your hair you probably won’t notice much difference. However, if you apply argan oil every time you wash your hair you should quickly notice that your hair starts to look smoother, thicker and healthier.

After several weeks you should notice that the new hair that is growing in looks a lot healthier, too. In fact, you may even notice that your scalp feels better and if you used to suffer from dandruff the symptoms have lessened significantly.

For best results, apply argan oil every time you wash your hair, and try to limit your usage of chemical based hair conditioners, because argan oil serves a similar purpose and does a much better job!



In addition to using argan oil to strengthen and repair your hair, you can use it on your skin too. Some people use it as a moisturizer, or in the place of a toner in their cleanse, tone and moisturize regimen. So how to use argan oil for skin?

To use argan oil on your skin, wash the area that you want to treat with mild soapy water, and then massage a small amount of the oil directly into the skin. You do not need to use a lot of the oil. Your goal should be to make sure that the oil is absorbed, rather than to saturate your skin with a lot of it.


nice nails

Argan oil can be used to help speed up the fading of stretch marks, and can also help to heal scars and relieve sunburn. In addition, it can soothe cracked and dry lips and hydrate nails and cuticles. Some people use it to heal burns, and even to lessen the pain of rheumatism. As you can see, cosmetic argan oil is an incredibly versatile product.


argan oil

Argan oil is a natural product, and it does not contain preservatives, scents, colorings or harsh chemicals. However, it is still possible to have an allergic reaction to the oil. Before you use argan oil for the first time, perform a spot test to make sure that you do not experience any side effects from it.

When buying argan oil, look for pure, organic oil that has been imported from Morocco. Do not use the cooking version of the oil on your hair or skin – it will not be as effective as the cosmetic version, and it has a powerful nutty smell to it that will be hard to get rid of! Rubbing cooking oil on your skin achieves nothing and is a waste of money.


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The lack of preservatives in argan oil means that it can go off quite quickly. Buy the oil in small bottles, and store those bottles in a cool, dry place. Always re-seal the bottle between uses us that the oil does not oxidise.

If the oil starts to develop a strange odor, throw the bottle away and open a fresh one. With proper care, you should be able to use up each bottle before it goes off, but you should still be mindful of the fact that argan oil is not like traditional cosmetics.

beautiful woman with red hair

Ideally, you should try to use pure argan oil. If the oil contains other ingredients, it may separate more quickly, or be less effective. Avoid brands that state that the additional ingredients in the oil make it more powerful. These claims are most likely inflated and incorrect. If you want to benefit from other essential oils or beauty products, use them separately. Argan oil will be more readily absorbed by your skin if you apply it in its pure form when your skin is clean and freshly washed.