You can find many types of beauty products in the market these days. A lot of people seem to be drawn to a certain product that is proved to have excellent results.
These products can have different kinds of compounds and mixtures. Some have organic compounds, and some use man made chemicals.
However, for those who’d like a safer type of beauty product, they’d always go for the organic ones. Argan oil for instance, is a type of plant oil used in many cosmetic products, but it is always better to use pure argan oil for skin to avoid any unwanted effects, and enjoy full benefits of argan oil for skin.

Argan oil is taken from the fruits or nuts of an argan Tree. These trees grow very remotely in Morocco, which makes the oil very rare. Originally, the oil is taken from the waste of goats that climb the tree and eat the nuts. Their wastes are grinded and pressed in order to get the oil.
The oil is bright yellow in color, that’s why people call it ‘liquid gold.’ Today, machines are used in getting the oil. It is a much faster process and no longer involves using the waste of goats.
Here are our top 3 selection of pure argan oil that you can find in the market.
1- PURA D’OR |
A lot of people use these products for their daily beauty regimen, but some may not know its benefits. So how good is Argan oil for skin?

As an organic type of oil, Argan oil has a lot of healthy and natural effects to the skin. It contains vitamins and nutrients that work well in softening the texture of the skin. It even has some healing factors that can heal several types of lesions. There are many uses for argan oil that show how effective it is for skin, such as:
Anti-Aging Effect

Argan oil increases the collagen made by your body. Collagen is needed keep your skin firm and supple.With this, your wrinkles and sagging skin can be removed.
That’s why many anti-ageing creams use argan oil as one of their main ingredients. The oil can be simply rubbed in the areas with wrinkles, and you’ll notice excellent results after regular use.

The high Vitamin E content of argan oil makes it ideal as a skin moisturizer. It also naturally enhances your skin tone and suppleness. The oil is commonly used in creams and lotions that can be applied to the whole body. There are also people who use the oil directly, since it is not sticky and not irritating to the skin.
Treats Pimples

Unlike other oil based products, argan oil helps treat pimples or acne. The antioxidants in argan oil repair damaged skin cells and reduce swelling. You can get better results when you use Argan oil in your pimples twice a day after washing your face.
Skin Healing

Argan oil helps in healing minor skin lesions and even burn injuries. The oil enhances your skin’s healing process, and protects it from irritants at the same time. You can also relieve minor sores and aches with Argan oil. You can simply apply it on the affected part and let your body’s own enhanced healing ability do its job.
Scar and Stretch Mark Removal

Argan oil has Vitamin E, which helps in preventing stretch marks. It enhances your skin’s ability to stretch, which prevents any stretch marks from forming during and after pregnancy. It can be applied to the breasts, belly, buttocks, and thighs. Since it has contents that moisturize and nourish the skin, any lesions will heal without leaving a scar.
Treats Hair and Scalp
Argan oil can repair any damages to your hair and keeps them healthy.
Your nails can benefit from argan oil as well. After regular use of this oil, you will have stronger and healthier nails as a result.

But how good is Argan oil for your skin if it’s mixed with other compounds? In fact, most products mix Argan oil together with other compounds to have better results.
You can commonly find Argan oil mixed with other compounds in lotions, creams, and body butters. This is done in order to add the effects of Argan oil to the intended effect of a product, or simply to have an enhanced moisturizer. All in all, Argan oil works well even without other compounds mixed in it.
Just be mindful in checking if the Argan oil that you are buying is legit. Argan oil has a nutty aroma and smooth texture. You should place it in a bottle made of amber or cobalt. Most of all, Argan oil should not be cheap since it’s a rare type of oil. If you find something different from the ones mentioned or is sold at a very low price, it is likely a fake product. If you’d like to experience the benefits mentioned, you can try using it and see for yourself on how good is Argan oil for skin.
Being yourself in this world means getting up each morning and confidently being the best person you can be today. Instead of trying to fit in with the world, fit in with yourself, look into the mirror of your soul and know that you are the best person you can be today, feel grateful for the blessings in your life, let love guide you, then do that today, tomorrow and everyday thereafter.
We all have a mission in life that gives us passion to help, guide and enjoy things in life that bring us and others great joy. My passions include nature and animals and helping spread the word so others can enjoy them too.
I love to empower people physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially to find the light and love within themselves to appreciate their own true value so they can spread that love and hope to others who can find their own freedom, abundance and joy in their lives.